About Us
Laxmi Institute Sponsored By “Laxmi Institute Of Technology Education Society” Delhi An ISO 9001:2015 Certified has been registered under the society Act. 21, 1860. (Reg. No. Mai/05092/20119-20) & Reg. Under Labour Department Act 1962 (Reg. No. UPSWP210708855) from Govt. of India . Working in different fields of Education Information technology, Vocational Education, Nursery Teachers Training etc.
Since 04 Years success, conducting various commercial training programs, our Organization decided to work in "Vocational Education & Industrial Training for all" up to 2016 to 2017 given the slogan by the Indian Govt. For formulating the dream of Indian Govt.
Why Choose Us?
Our Vision
Laxmi Institute of Technology Education Group strives to be an effective and exemplary educational Institution in ensuring all-round development of students, and to instill pride and confidence in parents about the students' learning, progress and future success.
Our Mission
I. To identify and unleash every individual's potential to make a difference to the community they serve, by being a life long learner.
II. To build on the strengths and talents in each student, which can translate into avenues of achievement that will benefit the individual and society.
III. To continuously endeavour in setting new benchmarks in curricular and extracurricular activities by adding to the knowledge, skills and understanding of its students, teachers, support and office staff, parents and management. We will utilize training inputs in all areas and seek better outcomes.
I. Staying at the forefront in terms of the learning experience. Our RKSVA dynamic curriculum will ensure every student's potential unfolds and create opportunities for them to flourish.
II. Focus on updation of our team's capabilities. Through continual learning practices, our team will ensure contemporary practices for implementing RKSVA curriculum.
Our Happy Students Say

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade D
Ankit Kumar

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade D
Ankita Pandey

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade D

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade C
Vikash Babu

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade B

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade C
Sachin Kumar

Dear Student Has Successfully Passed The CCC Exam. And Has Received Grade B
Tinkal Pal
Our Authorizations & Affiliations